文档范文网 >祝福语 > 愚人节 > 愚人节英语作文及翻译锦集三篇


更新时间:2023-10-23 来源:愚人节 点击:





The long-awaited special day -- April Fool"s day has finally arrived, this, I can play the teacher and classmates, anyway is not scolded by the teacher.


Talking about the students are in the classroom, as if there is anything. Most of the classmates to see Zhang Meiqin side Wai past. In the end is what? Out of curiosity, I also can not help but ran qucourenao. Originally, Zhang Meiqin is said to a horrible thing, there are two big snake in her yard, although not seen, however, her dad has caught many snake. Oh! Sounds scary, I do not know is true or false.


At this time, our Chinese teacher came in smiling. "Today rare everyone so happy, this lesson will give you play!" "Oh yeah... Long live...... Oh......" Suddenly, the classroom was a scene of jubilation. While we think a crowding out of time, the teacher suddenly wrote on the blackboard three words, is the three words "let us play class" bubble soup, what three words? Maybe you also know, is "April Fool"s day". Hey! We are a flash in the pan. Everyone complained that: "if the April Fool"s Day was yesterday how good......"


April Fool"s day, we are all cheated!



It was a normal morning. After breakfast, I went to school. I came to the class, I know today is my favorite holiday - April Fool"s day. I think about it. Who should I fool? By the way, let"s start with my best friend!


It was a normal morning. After breakfast, I went to school. I came to the class, I know today is my favorite holiday - April Fool"s day.


I think about it. Who should I fool? By the way, let"s start with my best friend! Wang Siyue and Wang Qiong. I used to say good morning. I said, "what should I do, Wang Siyue and Wang Qiong?" "What"s the matter?" they asked "The teacher told you to go to the office." I pretended to be afraid. "Happy April Fool"s day, right?" They said together. I thought to myself: I didn"t fool you. I"m really my friend! Transfer target, Chen Yu. As soon as she came, I pretended to be in a hurry and said, "your desk is full of water." As soon as she heard it, she hurriedly ran to her place. At a glance, the table was fine and her angry nose was crooked. To do exercises, walking team, Chen Yu want to fool me, said today"s PE class is not up, I said: "not necessarily!" "You haven"t fooled me yet," she said I smiled and said, "of course, who am I?"


It"s noon. It"s time to eat at the small table. After dinner, I pretended to be scared and shouted, "Auntie, there are big spiders in the bedroom." Everyone screamed. Auntie ran to the bedroom. I said with a smile, "Happy April Fool"s Day!" It scared everyone into a cold sweat. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, yeah! I spent half a day on April Fool"s day successfully. "When I get up and finish combing my hair, I should wait for Wang Qiong to come to us. I haven"t tied my head yet! Aunt said, Wang Qiong came, I went to the door to see, no! Ran back to ask auntie, Auntie said: "Happy April Fool"s Day!" Am I confused about my head? Is Wang Qiong likely to come so early? I patted myself on the forehead. Today I"m really happy. I don"t know what those people who have been fooled many times think. Anyway, I"m very happy. Long live April Fool"s Day!



On April Fool"s day, my mother and I watched TV while waiting for my father to go home.


As soon as Dad came home, he said, "look what I brought back to you." "Wow! Bee, "I was so scared that I ran behind my mother.


Mother is not afraid of bees, she boldly walked over, fixed eyes, false! "Look here!" "Ah - rats!" My mother was also frightened and fled back to the room with me

.  我和妈妈商量着晚上怎么报复爸爸:“我觉得应该这样……!”妈妈忙点头:“好!”

My mother and I discussed how to revenge my father at night: "I think it should be..." Mom nodded: "OK!"


In the evening, when my father was watching TV on the sofa, I said to him, "Dad, I"ll massage you." At the beginning, my father didn"t agree with me. My mother said, "it"s rare for my son to massage you. You can promise!" Dad agreed.


I pressed it for a while, pretended to cough a few times, and mom came over and pressed dad"s ankles. I"ll point the acupoints on dad"s feet right away. Dad itched: "I lost, I lost!"


Dad scared us with fake animals, so we tickled his feet and made him itch.



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