文档范文网 >演讲稿 > 英语演讲稿 > 【六一故事源自于】六一幼儿英语故事


更新时间:2021-07-28 来源:英语演讲稿 点击:





  It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other.


  One day the Giant came back. 1-1e had been to visit his friend the Cornish ogre, and had stayed with him for seven years. After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle.When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.


  "What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.


  "My own garden is my own garden," said the Giant; "any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself." So he built a high wall all round it, and put up a notice-board.



  Once there was a boy who lived on a farm. Every day he had to take his father’s sheep to a hill. One day he tried to play a trick on the other people. He said to himself. I will call “wolf. wolf.” then everyone come to help me. It will be fun when they find out there is no wolf after all. So he cried: “wolf .wolf.” and everyone ran to help him. When they came he just said: “there is no wolf. It was only a joke.” He did this three times. Then one day a wolf really came. “Help! Help! The wolf is here.” called the boy. But everyone said: “No you know that there is no wolf. He is just calling us for fun. There is no danger.” So they did not go to help the boy. The wolf killed all the sheep then.











  George is a little monkey. He lives in a deep forest. He likes jumping and climbing trees. He is happy every day. But he has a shortcoming. He is curious.

  One day an old man goes by the forest. He carries a lot of straw hats. George sees the man, and the man sees George, too. The man says to himself, “What a lovely monkey! I will catch him. I will take him home.”

  The man sits down and thinks over. George sees and also sits down. The man has an idea. He puts a hat on his head, and puts other hats on the ground. Then he pretends to sleep.

  George is curious and looks at the hats. “I will be nice if I put a hat on my head.” George thinks. Then he climbs down from the tree, picks up a hat and puts it on. The hat is too big, and covers George’s eyes. George can’t see. And the man gets up at once, rushes out and catches him quickly.

  Poor George!


  一天, 一个老人路过大森林,他带着许多草帽。乔治看见了这个老人,老人也看见他了。;老人自言自语道:“多可爱的猴子啊!我要捉住他,把他带回家去。”












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