文档范文网 >节假日 > 清明节 > 介绍清明节的英语作文(合集七篇)


更新时间:2023-10-08 来源:清明节 点击:



第1篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  Today, my father and I went to sifangtian village for spring outing.

  When we came to sifangtian village, we scanned the endless fields. Ah! What a sifangtian village. It is really a beautiful small mountain village. As we walked forward step by step, our eyes were full of green: yellow green, green, dark green... Of course, there were many vegetables: celery, coriander, lettuce, cabbage, cabbage... A gust of wind blew, and many dishes at the station bent down; Peach blossoms spread out their pink face, which is very cute. We came to the river and saw many fish. There are perch, crucian carp, carp and silver carp... The fish rippled in the river, and some even spit bubbles from time to time. What"s the sound of "rustle"?

  I followed the sound step by step. It turned out that several beautiful village girls were washing their clothes by the clear stream. They sang country songs loudly as they washed their clothes. Suddenly, I saw a dish that didn"t grow together like coriander. I asked my father curiously, "Dad, what is this?" My father told me it was shepherd"s purse, a kind of edible dish. He saw many shepherd"s purse and said to me, "Yangyang, let"s dig shepherd"s purse together!" So we started digging. At first, I didn"t know him, so I asked my father to teach me. My father pointed out that I would dig. Later, when I met, I dug it up myself. After a while, I dug a bag. So we dug a lot of shepherd"s purse.

  Looking at the setting sun, we reluctantly went home.

第2篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  Looking forward to, looking forward to, winter goes and spring comes. We went for an outing in Gulin park with our teacher.

  First of all, we leave school at 8:15 and go to Gulin park. As soon as I arrived at the gate of Gulin Park, I smelled bursts of fragrance. I can"t wait to run in and have a look. Ah, it"s the fragrance of plum blossom. To tell you the truth, among all the flowers, my favorite is plum blossom. It doesn"t compete with other flowers; It doesn"t send out strong fragrance like other flowers, it just sends out a faint fragrance... However, it"s precisely because of its elegant and noble quality, so I like it very much.

  The petals of chrysanthemum are not as big as those of plum blossom. It"s about the same size as Osmanthus fragrans, and its fragrance is no worse than Osmanthus fragrans. It"s really charming!

  After watching my favorite plum blossom, we also went to the first tower in Jiangsu - Jiangsu TV Tower.

  First of all, we took the high-speed elevator. It only takes 30 seconds to go back and forth at an altitude of 200 meters, with an average rise or fall of 6 meters per second. I couldn"t help sighing: "today"s science and technology is really developed!"

  At the top, we saw an air turntable restaurant. I couldn"t help but rush to the turntable and observe it carefully. "Qu Xiao, come and see!" The classmate said, oh, there is a piece of transparent glass here. "Wow, the people below are so small!" "No, no one can see..."

  However, the happy time is always short. We are also very happy. We had a great time today!

第3篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  In the twinkling of an eye, the annual Qingming Festival on April 5 came again.

  Today, my parents took me up the mountain to worship my grandfather. Soon we came to Grandpa"s grave. I only saw that the front of the tomb was covered with tall weeds. My mother quickly picked up the hoe to hoe the grass. Seeing my father"s seriousness in weeding, I can see how much my mother cares about my dead grandfather! After hoeing the grass, my mother put her hand on my shoulder and said, "hang, come and worship my grandfather and tell me your wishes."

  I came to the grave and knelt on my knees, Two hands in one: "Grandpa, even though you have been dead for many years, we still care about you. Grandma is very lonely and boring at home alone. But don"t worry, we will take good care of her mother-in-law and make her eat well, dress well, sleep well, even tell stories and jokes to make her happy! Accompany her through her happy old age. Grandpa, you are in heaven, please bless our family safe and happy!Rest in peace! " Then, we lit incense and candles, hung paper money, and then Dad began to set off firecrackers... We reluctantly left.

  I will always remember this beautiful Qingming Festival!

第4篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  Today is the annual Tomb Sweeping Day. We go to the grave with reverence.

  In the morning, I got up early and was very excited, but my family hadn"t cooked the lunch yet. Finally, I"m leaving. I"m happy to visit the grave in my father"s car against the warm spring breeze. To the destination, there is no noise of the city, there is no car exhaust, there are green grass, colorful flowers, and clear water, swimming with lively and lovely fish.

  This is really a pollution-free holy land.

  We moved things into the small room. My mother took candles and Jiulong would go to the grave to worship. The paths in the mountains were full of green weeds and colorful wild flowers. Pine trees stood like soldiers defending. After a while, after the worship, we began to eat lunch. I couldn"t wait to grab the drink, pour it into the cup and eat a lot of things, My stomach is never full. "Go back." At the command of my father, we sorted out our things and went back. I had to leave the mountain forest reluctantly.

  At this time, I sang the Qingming song on the road.

第5篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years. Qingming was only the name of a solar term at first. It became a festival to commemorate ancestors, which is related to the cold food festival. Therefore, Duke Wen of Jin designated the day after the cold food festival as Qingming Festival.

  Qingming was originally just the name of a solar term. It became a festival to commemorate ancestors, which was related to the cold food festival. Therefore, Duke Wen of Jin designated the day after the cold food festival as Qingming Festival.

  The name of "Qingming Festival" comes from the Qingming solar term in the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar. The Qingming solar term has a total of 15 days. As a solar term, Qingming is after the spring equinox. Therefore, Qingming Festival is also called outing Festival. At the turn of mid spring and late spring, it is not only a traditional Chinese festival, but also one of the most important sacrificial festivals. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.

  On Tomb Sweeping Day, according to the old custom, when sweeping tombs, people should bring wine, food, fruits, paper money and other items to the cemetery, sacrifice food in front of their loved ones" tombs, burn the paper money, cultivate new soil for the tomb, fold a few fresh green branches and them on the grave, then kowtow and worship, and finally eat wine and food home.

第6篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  Is a tomb-sweeping day, this makes me to think of tu mu involuntarily historic sentence, "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go.

  May I ask restaurant where, the shepherd boy know apricot blossom village." Ching Ming festival is a memory of ancestors, miss being martyrs.

  Main ceremony is grave, grave is ShenZhongZhuiYuan, Kingston amity and the manifestation of filial.

第7篇: 介绍清明节的英语作文

  It"s very hot this afternoon. At one o"clock, my brother and I each grabbed a bag of paper flowers. My father took paper money and food. The three of us went up the mountain first. My mother and aunt were going to visit the tomb on the mountain later.

  There are two roads in front of us. We still chose the previous road. My mother and aunt rushed from behind for fear of being too late. The stones were uneven and the branches blocked everyone"s way. I almost fell.

  Relatives came to the grave of great grandfather, and they began to pull weeds together. After a while, the grave of great grandfather The tombstone is clean. At this time, paper flowers will come in handy. I thought to myself. My brother and I held paper lace and stuck it on it with double-sided tape. The colors of paper flowers are very diverse, including bright red, blue like the sea, and yellow like corn... The appearance of paper flowers is even more diverse. We all planted some incense in the soil and then worshipped. Suddenly, with a "bang", many small papers floated down from the sky, and the sound of firecrackers spread all over the whole mountain. We also went to sweep the grave of our great grandmother and burned all the paper money.




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